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2025 Stewardship

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Supercharging Beautiful Savior

Beautiful Savior has traveled an incredible distance in a few short years. The growth and forward momentum of the congregation is even more impressive considering we journeyed through a once-in-a-century pandemic. Why is Beautiful Savior doing this well? It’s because of God’s love and power we know through Jesus, combined with your willingness to allow God’s Spirit to work through you. We are now cruising at a healthy pace, while also looking to add focus and energy to our growth.

Your energy will allow us to “Supercharge Beautiful Savior” in 2025. We are working to add new initiatives as well as strengthen ones needing a boost, including men’s ministry, connections between new and old friends, and deeper involvement in our ongoing ministries. We will achieve these things, with God’s help, as part of a larger plan developed by Pastor Schillack and the BSLC leadership. Prayerful and deliberate planning has moved Beautiful Savior to our current place of strength and 2025 should prove to be no different.


What will it look like to “Supercharge Beautiful Savior” in 2025? Pastor Schillack and our BSLC leadership have identified these essential areas of focus for 2025:

Men’s Ministry

There’s a popular joke that “no one talks about one of Jesus's greatest miracles – having twelve close friends at 30-years-old.” The busy nature of our rat race society makes it difficult for people, especially men, to develop strong lasting relationships. Jesus was unusually good at friendship and valued it, and his approach informs Beautiful Savior’s plan to begin developing a specialized ministry for men.



Men's ministry is important for many reasons. It helps men with spiritual development by providing a safe space to grow and mature as followers of Jesus. It also teaches men to become effective spiritual leaders in their homes, communities, and the world. Those active in men’s ministry report stronger ties and greater fulfillment in life. Marriages and families also get stronger since a men’s ministry provides guidance in navigating modern challenges.


An additional investment of $340 per week will help us develop and supercharge a men’s ministry by expanding our staff, including the addition of a second full-time pastor.


Supercharging Connections

Beautiful Savior is a community of people, not a building or location. We are God’s people who come together in Jesus’s name to love God and our neighbors. This magnificent trait of our community is what helped us navigate the pandemic and come out of it stronger and larger. Still, there are many people in our world who are lonely, including people we know. Going into the next year, we are focusing on building stronger ties between people, because no one should be alone or lonely in a world God loves.
We are adding more social events for people to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. Family Ministries will receive an infusion of investment as it continues to attract so many children and families we are beginning to run out of gathering space. Events like potlucks, game nights, and special outings for the whole congregation will begin to populate the church calendar. We plan to increase the types of small groups offered so people have more opportunities to gather with others and grow in faith.
An additional investment of $310 per week will help us supercharge connections with each other and with new people by providing funding needed for social events, enlarging Family Ministries, and expanding staff, including the addition of a second full-time pastor, to support this growth.

Supercharging Involvement

Everyone in the church is a minister, not just the pastor or a few people. The word “minister” is derived from a Latin word meaning “servant.” We are all called to be servants – ministers – of Jesus Christ. One of the things making Beautiful Savior such a healthy congregation is the larger-than-average number of people who actively minister to and through the congregation.


We plan to focus on increasing the ministry participation of everyone in 2025. This is not about picking up slack or filling in gaps. It has to do with finding greater fulfillment in life and helping people discover and enjoy their God-given gifts. We will develop more leadership opportunities and help people find their unique places in those roles. We will invest in clarifying the many new ministries which have organically emerged over the last few years and provide more direction for them. We will focus more time on discovering spiritual gifts and how they can be used to accomplish extraordinary things. A church where everyone is a minister is an unstoppable force for good in the world.


An additional investment of $325 per week will help us supercharge involvement by opening an array of opportunities based on what people enjoy doing rather than feel obligated to do, and an expanding staff, including the addition of a second full-time pastor, who will support this greater involvement.

Our goal is to increase annual offerings by $50,553 in 2025 to supercharge Beautiful Savior mission and ministries.

Commitment Card

In response to God’s grace and love in Christ Jesus and in appreciation of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church’s mission, I/we intend to give this General Fund offering during 2025 in support of the congregation’s ongoing ministries and outreach. I/we understand that I/we may change this amount if necessary.


If you prefer to fill out a physical Commitment Card, it may be downloaded HERE and returned to the church office.

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Thank you for your commitment.

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(248) 646-5386
5631 North Adams Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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BSLC is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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