If you would like to join one of the many teams that are helping to make our many forms of worship possible, your help is certainly appreciated. Please contact Helen via the form at the bottom of this page, in our church office at office@bslcmi.org or (248) 646-5041 and she will gladly connect you with one of the teams that make worship happen each week.
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Albert Einstein
Offering Counters are needed on Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This is a fun time to serve and enjoy the company of others.
Readers, Ushers, Greeters, Communion Assistants, ProPresenter Projectionists, Acolytes/Crucifers are all necessary to make our worship services happen. SCROLL DOWN TO VOLUNTEER OR CLICK TO VIEW THE CURRENT SCHEDULE If you're prompted to sign-in to a Microsoft account, simply click "View in Browser."
Sunday School Teachers & Assistants: Sunday School is growing and thriving. Teachers and assistants are needed to help our youngsters grow. Let us know you're interested by SCROLLING DOWN TO VOLUNTEER CLICK TO VIEW THE CURRENT SCHEDULE If you're prompted to sign-in to a Microsoft account, simply click "View in Browser."
ProPresenter Projection: Can you push a button? Then you can serve during worship! SCROLL DOWN TO VOLUNTEER
Care Ministries: Join one of these valuable and fulfilling ministries at Beautiful Savior. Volunteers are needed to help fulfill all of the care ministries lead by Pastor Hemke. Ministries include E-mail prayer team, Eucharistic Ministry, Breaking Bread Ministry, Piecemakers, Telecare, GriefShare, Stephen Ministry, Small groups, Kitchen Help, and Transportation SCROLL DOWN TO VOLUNTEER OR CLICK TO LEARN MORE
Funeral Luncheon Team: Provide a much-needed service to families as they grieve LEARN MORE
Evangelism Team: Make Jesus Known, Welcome the Stranger, Invite a Friend LEARN MORE
Red Cross: The Red Cross is experiencing a blood shortage. To schedule an appointment to donate blood go to RedCross.org.
Front Office Team: If you have a passion to serve and love God's people this is a great place for you. Reception, general office duties, organizing, filing, copying, data entry and mailings are just some of the things you can do in this volunteer position. SCROLL DOWN TO VOLUNTEER