Year-End Contributions
Donations received after December 31, 2021 will be credited to the donor's 2022 pledge and statement. This complies with IRS rules, and also assists proper year-end accounting.
BSLC 2022 offering envelopes are here!
Starting Sunday, December 5, 2021 all the offering envelopes will be in alphabetical order on the cabinets where the name badges are currently located. Please grab yours to save on postage for the church. At the end of the year we will mail the remaining offering envelopes as requested. If you do not see your offering envelopes please contact the church office (248) 646-5041 or email
As always, you can continue or initiate automated giving online by signing into the Members Only section of our website.
Never used the Members Only section? No worries, Helen can help you create an account or simply update the database for you. Send the office a quick note asking for a new log-in so we can create an account for you.