lovingly presented by BSLC Women in God’s Service (WINGS)
Four women share Four Stories. Four Melodies complete the evening.
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Go to bslcmi.org. Click on Advent Reflections.
Sip a warm beverage as you view.
Enjoy a sweet treat.
Give a cheer.
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Bible study companions.
Work colleagues.
Long distance friends and family whom you love and miss.
Someone who needs to know more about Hope, Joy, Love, Peace.
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Share precious comments on the @BSLCMI facebook page.
Text encouraging messages to others who are also viewing.
Gather a small group with physical distance grace.
This evening gives honor to our Beautiful Savior Lutheran Advent by Candlelight traditions. If the scheduled time of Advent Reflections doesn't work for you, visit bslcmi.org to watch later.
Livestreaming Tuesday, December 1st at 7 p.m. at bslcmi.org as well as our YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
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