Beginning on Sunday, September 3 the people of Beautiful Savior rededicated themselves to the First Fruits Ministry. To assist those in need, we collect clothing, clean and in good repair, and non perishable food items. These monthly drives will combine the reopening of the church clothes closet and the ongoing food collection drives.
The food cart and clothes rack will be the first things you see as you enter the Welcome Center on the first Sunday of each month. Donations may continue to be made through out the month by placing items in the clothes closet and food cart located in the lower level of the church. Clothes will be delivered to Grace Centers of Hope; food donations to Lighthouse. As the program grows, other charities will be utilized. The list of most needed food items will change each month. Watch for updates on the pre-service worship slides, in the weekly Connect email and in the Sunday worship bulletins.
Anticipated food needs include:
September 1 Peanut Butter (14-16 oz), Granola
October 6 Granola/Fruit Bars, Canned Chili/Stew (14-16 oz)
November 3 Canned Meat-Tuna etc. (5-15 oz)
December 1 Canned Ravioli/Spaghetti (14-15.5 oz)
Clothing (all in good repair) needs include:
shirts & blouses
new socks & gloves
Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first fruits of all your crops.
Proverbs 3:9
The First Fruits Ministry Team includes Ron Briggs, Bob Kohler, Marie Cieslak and Pastor Hemke. If you would like to get in touch with a member of the team, contact the church office at (248) 646-5041 or