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Farewell from Deborah Robitaille

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Beautiful Savior Congregation,

It is with sadness that I leave my position as Minister of Administration at Beautiful Savior, but with joy that I had the opportunity to get to know you and work with you in ministry. I have truly relished being part of your work here and getting to know many of you. While Covid-19 certainly had an impact on how we did ministry, I discovered that here, church that stops for nothing. We may have done things differently by necessity, but it’s clear to me that BSLC’s dedication to God, this place, and the ministry ensures that you will have an eternal impact on the people that walk through these doors and the community we work in. The way you approached these challenges has been inspiring, and certainly God pleasing.

As most of you know, our family suffered a tragic loss last fall. I was blessed and humbled by the amount of love and support you offered up to a stranger, which is what I was to you for the most part, due to Covid limitations. I cannot express in words how much you taught me about loss, love, grace, and grief. You bravely shared your stories of loss, told me details of your own families struggles and what you found to be helpful in your journeys. You sent cards, cooked us meals, called to check in and offered up resources. Jesus was so clear on his expectations of how to treat a stranger and I thought I knew what that meant………until I was the stranger and I needed people to be Jesus to me. This congregation has impacted my own life in so many ways in such a short time. Know that I leave here with a better understanding of my faith and my work because of you. No matter where I am you will always be in my heart and in my prayers. I pray that God blesses you the same way and even more than you blessed me.

I’d like to thank the BSLC Staff and Council for their support and kindness, but mostly for the way they love God’s people. Seeing things from the staff side, I can tell you that your leaders are faithful, prayerful people who share their gifts freely and with a pure hearted love for our God. Cherish them and one another because what you have here is unique and wonderful. While my list of “thanks” is far too long to publish, I would like to mention just a few people. Julie Steinmayer, who answered my million questions a day and guided so much of my work here. Roxanne and John Wenskay, who have dedicated so much of their lives to this ministry and were always there to help and support us. Roxanne and Julie stepped in when I could not be here and did my job when I could not – without fuss and without anyone else realizing it. I am grateful to both of you. I’d also like to recognize the Hoffman/Biebelhausen family, who have been my “go to” people when I needed anything, always said yes, and served with incredible dedication and humbleness. Their support was key to our success in many places. Also thank you to our dedicated office volunteers, who we could not live without: Holly Beeby, Nanci Beni, Kelly Biebelhausen, Linda Miller and the late Janet Mignano. Most especially, I’d like to thank Pr. Nik for his leadership and his friendship. You have been gifted with a very special Pastor and I know that under his guidance, you will do great things in Jesus’s name. I leave it to you to take excellent care of him and his family.

I will be popping into church when I’m available, so this is not goodbye. Until we meet again.

Deborah Robitaille


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