The people of Beautiful Savior are diving into a 5-week small group series in the fall of 2024. The material is based on Pastor Timothy Keller's book Counterfeit Gods.

Sunday's sermons, starting with our Kick-off Sunday on September 15, will be aligned with the small group study.
Sept. 15 All You’ve Ever Wanted
Sept. 22 Love Is Not All You Need
Sept. 29 Money Changes Everything
Oct. 6 The Seduction of Success
Oct. 13 The Power and the Glory
Oct. 20 The End of Counterfeit Idols
During these 5 weeks, our goal is full participation in the following:
Attend weekly worship
Connect with a Small Group for five weeks
To signup for a Small Group choose a group below, call the church office at (248) 646-5041 and ask for Helen, or place your name on a sheet in Welcome Center.
To opt-in to quick reminders about Small Groups, click on this link and follow the prompts. Enter 690-89 into your contact list as BSLC Text Announcements.
Books are ready to be picked up in the Welcome Center. A suggested $10 donation made be paid in person on online by clicking HERE.
Members may view a detailed list of group registration by clicking HERE. You will be required to log-in to the BSLC Members Only portion of the website.