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Christian Education for All Ages

Various Christian education opportunities are offered for children and adults onsite at the church, in member-hosted environments, and online. Follow the links below or scroll through the descriptions below and get involved!


Tots (aged 2+) to Elementary Sunday School

Middle School Sunday School & Catechism

High School Sunday School

40 Days in the Word Small Groups

Church History: The Church from Constantine to Charlemagne

Bible Journey

Brief Bible Dives


Sunday School – All Ages

Led by many BSLC members and staff

Tots (aged 2+) to Elementary

Beginning Sunday, September 18, at 10:10 a.m., children from tots (age 2+) to 5th grade are invited to participate inSunday School in the lower level of the BSLC building. Caring and skilled teachers will help them learn about God’s love and promises for them and for the world.If you would like to register a child for Sunday school, are interested in volunteering for this great program, or would like to learn more, please contact Karyn Parker, Children’s Ministries Coordinator, at

Middle School Sunday School & Catechism

Beginning Sunday, September 18, at 10:10 a.m., youth from 6th to 8th grades are invited to gather with friends in the newly renovated upstairs Youth Room. A group of volunteers and staff will lead these inspirational classes that are designed to help youth strengthen their faith foundations as they learn more about the Bible, Church History, and what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. Middle schoolers wishing to be confirmed will take part in these sessions as well as experience additional elements that are designed to help them grow in their faith. To learn more for a middle schooler in your life, or to offer your assistance, please contact Wade Jehowski, Student Ministries Coordinator, at

High School Sunday School

For the first time in half a decade, we will offer a Sunday School time for youth in high school. Beginning Sunday, September 18, at 10:10 a.m., youth from 9th to 12th grades will meet in the BSLC building to discuss faith and how it plays out in daily living. Group service projects and Bible story engagement will be central to these sessions. This time will be guided by skilled volunteers. To learn more for a high schooler in your life, or to offer your assistance, please contact Wade Jehowski, Student Ministries Coordinator,, at

Fall Small Groups

Facilitated by many BSLC members

We often talk about the importance of reading or listening to the Bible, so we have decided to help people learn more about how to do so. Our fall six-week small groups will focus on the topic: “40 Days in the Word: Love the Word, Learn the Word, Live the Word.” We'll learn 6 different techniques on how to study the Bible so that we remember it and then apply those teachings in our daily lives. Whether you have a daily Bible study practice, a spotty practice, or a nonexistent one, this series can help you. No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than to study and act upon God's Word as we discover it in the Bible. 

These groups run from the week of September 18 to the week of October 23. Registration is now open for joining a group. We offer a variety of methods for joining one: online at, placing your name(s) on a sheet in the Welcome Center, or contacting the church office at (248) 646-5041 or

Church History: The Church from Constantine to Charlemagne

Taught by Pastor John Siefken

Pastor John Siefken will lead a class entitled “The Church from Constantine to Charlemagne.” This will include a look at the development of the Nicene Creed, the rise of Islam, the mission to the Europeans, and the establishment of the church under the Franks. The sessions will be on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Beautiful Savior Large Conference Room. It will run for six Tuesdays, from September 27 to November 1. If you have questions, please contact our Office Manager, Helen Blicharz, in the church office at 248-646-5041 or

Bible Journey

Taught by Pastor Niklaus Schillack

Beginning on Monday, November 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., Pastor Nik will lead an in-depth, hour-long Bible Study of the Gospel According to Mark in the BSLC Welcome Center. This opportunity is called “Bible Journey” and will follow a similar format to the class on the Book of Acts that he led until it stopped due to the pandemic shutdowns.

These sessions are designed to help us walk through books of the Bible, story-by-story and verse-by-verse, which means that we may get through a few stories one week, and other times stay in one story for the entire hour. Someone who has spent a lifetime in the Scriptures or someone who has never opened the Bible at all should be able to get something out of it. This study will involve pictures and photos of Biblical sites projected on a screen as well as study guides Pastor Nik has personally written. It is open to all people, including your family and friends who worship in other congregations or don’t claim a church home. We want as many people as possible to experience the joy of entering the story of the Bible, and also of letting the Bible story infuse us.

“Bible Journey” will meet at 7:00 p.m. on most Mondays in the BSLC Welcome Center, except when holidays or other special events are taking place, and advanced notice will be given for those times. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Nik at or 248-646-5041.

Brief Bible Dives

Taught by Pastor Niklaus Schillack

Pastor Nik will continue these ten- to fifteen-minute-long videos that assist people in diving deeply into a biblical story. They will usually appear each week on a Wednesday morning and can be found at the BSLC YouTube page or BSLC website. By subscribing to the BSLC YouTube channel and selecting to receive notifications, you’ll be informed every time we post something new. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Nik at or 248-646-5041.


Church Office
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Church Fax
(248) 646-5386
5631 North Adams Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Copyright © 2020 Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. 


BSLC is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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