Acts 16:16-24 - Spiritual Pythons and Prayer
Encountering the Holy Spirit
The season of Pentecost is the season that focuses on the Holy Spirit of God coming into our lives and shaping the world for the better through us. Beginning with the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit filled the fearful disciples with courageous fire to share the good news of Jesus, we will examine many ways that the Spirit affects and empowers our lives until this day.
This Week
We are looking into Acts 16:16-24 this week. It involves a story about Paul, Silas, and other followers of Jesus sharing the good news in and around the city of Philippi. During this story, a slave girl who was possessed by a Pythian spirit continued to harass those who were being led by the Holy Spirit. As a result, Paul exercised the evil spirit from her, which led to him and Silas being arrested, flogged, and jailed. This Brief Bible Dive examines the nature of a Pythian spirit and how the Bible describes it as something that attempts to distract and divert us from experiencing spiritual growth and life.
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