Matthew 7:24-29 – Storms Reveal Our True Foundation
Our current worship series is “Navigating Life’s Storms. Right now, the storms of life seem to be numerous and unforeseen as we all try to navigate this unpredictable world. This series is designed to teach us how people in the Bible made their way through their own difficult times, and it is intended to give us pointers for making it safely through our own. Each week during the worship series, I’m offering a brief (ten- to fifteen-minutes long) video called a Brief Bible Dive about each Bible topic. The purpose is to get into the depth of the Bible story for the week, but within a manageable timeframe. These Brief Bible Dives will be the launching point for conversations during the six-week small groups as well as for weekly worship. For those without online viewing capacity, please contact Deborah in our church office at or 248-646-5041 for a printed transcript.
This Week
We begin our new series, Navigating Life’s Storms, by taking a deep dive into Matthew 7:24-29. This passage recounts Jesus’s parable about the wise person who built his house on a rock, the rock symbolizing Jesus’s Word and God’s Word, which are one and the same. The world makes a lot of promises, but rarely are those promises kept. More so, the world’s promises involve things that do not have eternal longevity. When we build our lives on Jesus’s words, which are God’s Word, we build them on something that lasts forever. We invite you to subscribe to the Beautiful Savior YouTube page so that you can learn about video updates as soon as they become available. Also, if you believe there is someone in your life who might benefit from hearing more about this Bible passage, we encourage you to share it with the person.