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Advent Day 14 - Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming

Blessed be his glorious name forever; may his glory fill the whole earth. Amen and Amen.

Psalm 72:19

Participate in the full devotional Prepare Ye!: Devotions for Advent, written by Reed Lessing. Copies of the book may be picked up in the BSLC Welcome Center.

Music suggestions to accompany today's devotion include "Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming."

Lo, how a rose e'er blooming

from tender stem hath sprung!

Of Jesse's lineage coming

as seers of old have sung,

it came, a flow'r so bright,

amid the cold of winter,

when half-spent was the night.

Isaiah had foretold it,

the rose I have in mind;

with Mary we behold it,

the virgin mother kind.

To show God's love aright,

she bore to us a Savior,

when half-spent was the night.

This flow'r, whose fragrance tender

with sweetness fill the air,

dispels with glorious splendor

the darkness everywhere.

True man, yet very God,

from sin and death he saves us

and lightens ev'ry load.

O Savior, child of Mary,

who felt our human woe;

O Savior, king of glory,

who dost our weakness know:

bring us at length, we pray,

to the bright courts of heaven

and into endless day.

We will also be hosting weekly worship services and meals during the season of Advent. Join us on Wednesday nights for worship and fellowship.

If you would like to have a devotional mailed to you, please contact the office at (248) 646-5041 or


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