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Grow & Serve

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Mark 16:15

Care Ministries

Programs to serve for all those in need

Children & Families

Programs for kids from tot to teen, including fellowship for parents

Member Programs

Bible study, small groups, women's fellowship, and more

Community Outreach

Discover ways to serve your local, regional, and global neighbors

Concert Crowd

Music Programs

Use your musical talents to serve or enjoy the music of others


Tots & Pre-K Programs

We believe children are never too young to learn about the Word of God.


Read below to learn about our reoccurring programs and view our most recent ANNOUNCEMENTS for current and date specific offerings for our Youth & Families.


You can also SUBSCRIBE to our Children & Families calendar so you have instant access to all of the events offered for your family.

Kids _ Bubbles
Sunday School

Learn about God’s love through story telling, short bible verses, crafts, and playtime with friends. Parents are welcome to attend if they wish. Available most Sundays between the Traditional and Contemporary services.




Sundays Fall-spring at 10:15 AM



MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers

MOPS is a time for fellowship with other moms in the same stage of life, learning strategies and tips that will help us be the best moms we can be. Children are cared for in their own separate program with age appropriate activities. 



Wiggle Worship

Learn about God’s love through songs and musical instruments accompanied by hands-on activities. Wiggle Worship occurs during a portion of the 9:00 AM Traditional Service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.




SELECT Sundays
at 9:00 AM

Youth Ministry (K-12)

We enjoy offering our children a wonderful, loving environment in which to learn God’s Word each year of their youth. Learn about our age-based programs below.


Read below to learn about our reoccurring programs and view our most recent ANNOUNCEMENTS for current and date specific offerings for our Youth.


You can also SUBSCRIBE to our Children & Families calendar so you have instant access to all of the events offered for your family.

Sunday School

Make lifelong friends and continue learning about God’s love through age-appropriate bible study, prayer, music, art, and games. Available most Sundays between the Traditional and Contemporary services.


Sundays Fall-spring at 10:10 AM

How To Use My Bible (3rd grade)

Third graders are invited with their parents to attend a workshop about how to find things in the Bible, ways to read the scriptures, and ideas on how to make the Bible a part of your daily routine.



First Communion Instruction

Students in early elementary school are invited to learn about Holy Communion together with their parents. We usually plan the workshop at a second grade level, however we recognize that when a child receives Holy Communion for the first time is a decision each family needs to make. 



Elementary Summer Camp

Students in 1st grade and up can participate in a variety of camp activities ranging from games to waterfront, crafts to campfires, archery to horseback riding – all in the midst of a caring Christian community! 


Visit for info about camp offerings. 

Junior High Charge Weekend

Charge is an offsite weekend gathering hosted by Living Water Ministries. Youth in grades 6 through 8 attend for small group experiences, service projects, worship, and lots of fun!


Visit for info about program offerings. 



Worship Service Opportunities

We encourage youth of all ages to be actively involved in our worship services and serve as: acolytes, lesson readers, praise band, communion assistants, projection system and sound system assistants, website help, greeters, ushers, and more! 


Get creative and get involved! 



Middle School Catechism Class

Grades 6-8 learn more about their faith as they move toward affirming their baptism and becoming adult members of the congregation. Class sessions together combined with home-study, parent conversations, and a mentor experience work together to prepare our students to affirm their baptismal promises.

Confirmation Summer Camp

An extension of our confirmation instruction that provides students an opportunity to reconnect over the summer and deepen their relationships and confirmation studies while taking part in camp activities like swimming, horseback riding, canoeing, and much more.


Visit for info about camp offerings. 


High School Great Lakes Gathering

The Gathering is an annual opportunity for groups of Michigan ELCA high school age youth from the lower peninsula of Michigan to gather in Lansing to experience 3 days of fun, worship, spiritual growth, and more.


Visit for info about program offerings. 

High School Bridge Builders Summer Camp

The goal of the nationally-recognized Bridge Builders program is to develop young leaders for the church and world with a raised awareness and understanding of the realities of racism. The camp environment is utilized to form intentional community that grows together and with Christ through this uniquely formative experience.  


Visit for info about program offerings. 

For BSLC Parents & Their Kids

We think it is important for parents, grandparents, and children to be able to experience family-friendly events in a safe and loving church atmosphere.  


Read below to learn about our reoccurring programs and view our most recent ANNOUNCEMENTS for current and date specific offerings for Families.


You can also SUBSCRIBE to our Children & Families calendar so you have instant access to all of the events offered for your family.

Parents Night Out (Kids Night In)

Yet another food and fellowship opportunity for moms and dads! Grandparents of Beautiful Savior get together to host a slew of fun activities for children of all ages while parents enjoy a dinner out together. This is also a nice way to support local restaurants and attract new members seeking a closer relationship with God.



Holiday & Family-Themed Events

Members of the church do their best to create fun, memorable, and safe programs for kids of all ages throughout the year.


From Pizza "Pi" night in Spring to Christmas Cookie decorating in Winter, there is usually something fun to do all year round.



Church Office
Church Office
(248) 646-5041
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Church Fax
(248) 646-5386
5631 North Adams Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

Copyright © 2020 Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. 


BSLC is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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